Wednesday 25 September 2019

Grade 7 & 8 - Jazz Band!

Dear Grade 7 & 8 Band Students and Parents,

The Martin Area Jazz Bands are extra-curricular bands that meet once a week after school to learn how to play jazz music in a variety of styles. Students will gain valuable skills in improvisation, music theory, and playing in a smaller group that’s different from what they experience in concert band.

There will be a Junior Jazz Band and Senior Jazz Band this year since we’ve had enough interest! Typically Grade 7 students will play in the Junior band and Grade 8 students in the Senior band. There may be some Grade 7 students who are able to advance into the Senior group and some Grade 8s students, such as those learning a second instrument, joining the Junior group, but we will make these decisions on a case by case basis. The Junior band will be taught by Ms. Stetner and the Senior band will be taught by Mr. Frank.

Rehearsals will take place from 4:00 to 5:00 at Ruth M. Buck School. The Junior band will rehearse on Day 4s and the Senior band on Day 5s. Students will need to be picked up at 5:00 or be given permission to walk home after rehearsals. The Day 1-5 calendar can be found on Regina Public Schools’ website.

It is expected that students and parents will make arrangements to be able to attend jazz band for the whole school year and that if complications with other activities arise, the student will make an effort to still attend jazz and notify their band teachers of any conflicts well in advance.

Each student should bring with them their instrument, a pencil, and their folder (which we will provide) to each rehearsal. It is necessary that each student play their main instrument unless approval is given by the teacher to play a new instrument. We will be working on advanced repertoire in jazz band that will be beyond the level of a student who is starting a new instrument. If your child plays drums, piano, guitar, or bass in addition to their regular band instrument, we’d be happy to have them join on one of those instruments.

The first rehearsals will take place on October 7th (Jr band) and October 8th (Sr band). Please return the physical note sent home today OR EMAIL us if you choose to participate in this year’s Martin Jazz Bands! If you EMAIL us, please let me know if (a) your child has permission to walk home after jazz, (b) you will be picking your child up from jazz band, (c) your child has a ride home organized with another parent and if so, which parent, and/or, (d) you need help organizing a ride to jazz for your child.

We look forward to working with your child and helping to improve their musicianship through jazz!


Robin Swann -
Brady Frank -
Lindsay Stetner -

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