Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Optimist Band Festival

The Grade 6, 7/8, and High School bands will be performing at the Downtowner’s Optimist Band Festival at the Conexus Arts Centre in March.  The purpose of this festival is to provide our students with the opportunity to play in a quality venue, have a clinic with a highly regarded adjudicator, and to work toward a successful performance as a band.  They will perform two pieces for three adjudicators and an audience.  Following their performance, our bands will also have a group photo taken, or, an individual/small group taken if you choose (picture order forms will be sent home closer to the date).  Our students will leave by bus sometime during the morning and return before school is done for the day. 

We are asking each band student to pay $7.00 to cover partial cost of the registration and transportation.  For Walker & McLurg families, payment will be online for this event.  For Seven Stones & Rosemont families, or anyone unable to pay online, please hand cash or a cheque made out to 'Regina Public Schools' in (labeled with your child’s name) to one of the band teachers no later than Friday, January 22 as registration for this event is due very soon.

We will send a note home closer to the festival with the exact day and time, a permission form, an itinerary of the day, and a picture order form. We will also need some chaperones, so look for that too!

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