Tuesday 13 November 2018

Winter Concert 2018


WHEN: Wednesday, December 12, 2018
WHERE: Martin Collegiate
TIME: 7:00pm (all band students to be there 6:15)

  1. Please have your instrument and all music (including sheets and red book) with you.
  2. Uniforms
    • Grade 6 Beginner Band – Red band t-shirt, black pants/skirt, black shoes or socks.  Look festive!!
    • Grade 7/8 Band – Red band t-shirt, black pants, black shoes or socks.  Look festive too!!
    • You are welcome to wear santa hats, reindeer antlers, bows, etc - wear whatever yo have, if you have it!
  3. Please be at Martin NO LATER than 6:15pm and find the room you’ll be located in.  Signs will be posted!
  4. BAKE SALE: We will be having our annual bake sale again – please bring one dozen of your favorite dessert to be sold for $5.00/dozen.  Please bring that day to full band or to the lobby at Martin when you arrive at the concert.  No nuts please!!
  5. Your families should be hearing TONS of practicing from now until then – please have all of your music prepared to ensure a successful concert.
  6. Attendance to concerts is crucial and necessary in order to deliver the best concert possible.  Please let one of the band teachers know if transportation to Martin will be a problem so we can help arrange something for you.
  7. All are welcome!!! Bring your families to come and cheer you on at your first concert of the year…see you on December 12, 7:00 at Martin!!